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2024 Quiz on Korea in PNG


2024 Quiz on Korea in PNG

1. What is “Quiz on Korea”?


- It is a quiz contest where participants are asked to solve questions about the Korean culture and history, co-sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Korea and KBS (Korea Broadcasting System).


2. Who can participate in?


- National of the Papua New Guinea (both parents should NOT be a national of Korea)

- At least basic command of the Korean language (All questions and answers will be in Korean)

3. Where and when can I register as participant?


4. How the event will proceed?


Preliminary Round (June 21, 13:00, Caritas Technical Secondary School, In-Person Participation Required)


- Given the question, they should legibly write down the answer on their whiteboard within a time limit. Right after the host’s instruction, they should show their board to the front. Those who wrote wrong (ambiguous or incomprehensible) answers are eliminated.

- If too few survivors are left after a few rounds, a consolation contest might be held. Thus, eliminated competitors are strongly encouraged to stay at the event venue even after elimination.

- When less than four survivors are left, one final questions will be given to decide the finalist. Anyone who knows the answer should raise his or her hand and shout his or her name. If the participant fails to give a correct answer, he or she will be forfeited the chance until the other(s) fails likewise.

- Top performers will be given additional prizes.

- There will be chances for spectators to participate. If you say a correct answer to a quiz given by the host to the spectator, you will receive a prize.


5. Where can I watch the video of previous “Quiz on Korea” programs?

- 2023 퀴즈  코리아: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIwdiV4JQI4

- 2022 퀴즈  코리아: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkcxbYQ5heQ

- 2021 퀴즈  코리아: https://youtu.be/iO5016aA55k

- 2020 퀴즈  코리아: https://youtu.be/1ZkCz2ztQ9E

- 2019 퀴즈  코리아: Part1 https://youtu.be/gPjzyV8GDt0


6. What kind of questions will be given? Give me examples!


1) Dabotap, which is on Korea's 10 won coin, is Korea's national treasure and is actually located in Busan Metropolitan City.

O if correct, X if incorrect. (Answer: X)

한국의 10원짜리 동전에 있는 '다보탑'은 한국의 국보로, 실제 부산광역시에 있습니다. (: X)


2) The following is a Korean proverb. What is the common word to fill in the blank(OO) spaces? (Answer: "Namu"=tree)

다음은 한국의 속담입니다. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말은 무엇일까요? (: 나무)

                                           원숭이도 (OO)에서 떨어진다.

                                       가지 많은 (OO) 에 바람 잘 날 없다.


3) The following are all the names of Korea's traditional THING. What is this THING ? (Answer: Instrument)

다음은 모두 한국의 '전통 이것'의 이름들입니다. 이것은 무엇일까요? (: 3. 악기)




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