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Tender Notice


It is hereby notified that bids are invited for the following:

Tender Reference Subject Quantity Selling Entity Closing Date and Time

PN2024-02 Sale of an Auto Vehicle 1 Unit Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 13 September, 2024, 16:00 (Port Moresby Time)

Any entity intending to participate in this tender is required to complete the bidder registration form (attached) and submit it to khpark14@mofa.go.kr by the closing date and time specified above.

 Tender Information

 Bid Type: Open Competitive Bidding

 Bidder Evaluation: Bidding Price and other Qualifications as specified in the Bidder Registration Form

 Closing Date and Time: 13 September, 2024, 16:00 (Port Moresby Time)

 Required Documents

- Bidder Registration Form (attached)

 Submit the bidder registration form (completed) to khpark14@mofa.go.kr

 Vehicle Information

 Make and Model : Genesis G80

 Year (manufactured) : 2017

 Colour : Black

 Mileage : 43,500 km

 Exterior : (please refer to the photos attached.)

You may contact Secretary Park at khpark14@mofa.go.kr or 7082-1658 for viewing of the auto vehicle for sale until 11:00 AM, 13th September 2024 during regular business hours.

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Port Moresby does not bind itself to accept a bid with the highest price proposed.
