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2024 인공지능의 책임있는 군사적 이용에 관한 고위급회의(REAIM) 리셉션 환영사


Welcome Remarks by H.E. Cho Tae-yul

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

Welcome Reception, REAIM Summit 2024

September 9, 2024, Seoul


Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the REAIM Summit 2024. I express my deepest gratitude for your presence tonight.

Since the AI Deep Blue beat the world chess champion in 1997, it took almost two decades for another AI, Alpha-go, to outplay the world Go champion, Lee Se-Dol.

It was shocking enough that AI could master the intricate strategies of the ancient games. But the next breakthrough took only another decade to emerge: the generative AI.

Now, AI outperforms humans at many tasks, like data processing and analysis, produces impressive drawings and movies within seconds, and generates natural conversations, all skills that had been deemed uniquely human.

The speed and magnitude of the development of AI is pushing us to envision its application in every possible area.

The military domain is no exception.

It is quite likely that the next decade will bring applications in this domain that we cannot even fathom at the moment.

AI will drastically impact the future of military affairs, and this impact may as well be devastating if unchecked.

The evolution of AI and its integration in the military domain demands the checks-and-balances in the form of rules, norms and principles on responsible use.

Such challenge may seem novel. But in truth, it is rather familiar.

Almost every man-made invention has been leveraged for military purposes, and AI is the newest addition, admittedly a powerful one.

What we face now is the classic mission of harnessing the use of new technology with wisdom.

Our gathering here today is the auspicious proof that humanity possesses the will to create a responsible AI regime in the military domain.

We are committed to pass onto our future generations human-centric AI that contribute to international peace and security.

I look forward to engaging in fruitful and productive discussions. And I am truly honored that Korea is a part of this important journey.

So, without further ado, I invite you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to celebrate the REAIM Summit 2024, and our collective efforts towards the future governance of AI.

Cheers! /END/

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